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Shanda booth dynamic painting combustion 2015chinajoy

2015-07-30 18:58:57来源: 新浪

7月30日,第13届chinajoy在上海,盛大游戏火爆公开10余款新作,以“一起游戏,我是传奇!”为主题,丰富有趣的互动环节邀请玩家一起嗨翻全场。 相信大家都对世界杯期间的球迷彩绘印象深刻,本届CJ,盛大游戏特别辟出玩家彩绘专区,邀请专业彩绘师为玩家“上妆“,各种新奇有趣的游戏主题...

7 month 30 days, the 13th ChinaJoy in Shanghai, Shanda unpopular public balance of 10 new, to play together, I am legend! " For the theme, rich and interesting interactive links to invite players to go along with the audience. Believe that everyone on the World Cup fans painted impressive, the CJ, Shanda special Pichu internationally painted area, invite professional painting division player "makeup", a variety of new and interesting game theme.

标签: ChinaJoy