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New IP and cloud Games: Tencent games "connect the future" in ChinaJoy

2021-08-03 14:00:00来源: 触乐

本届中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会(ChinaJoy)可谓命途多舛。经历了台风与防疫措施的变化之后,这场一年一度的盛会终于在7月30日开幕。种种插曲之后,展会现场的厂商与观众们依旧热情不减。大部分厂商的展位由一个主舞台和舞台背后的互动展区组成,现场的表演者们、Coser以及尝试各种新游戏的玩家们都以极大的热情投入展区的活动。 腾讯游戏的展位是现场人气最高的区域之一,体验区入口处始终有玩家排着长队。多个热门游戏的互动体验自然是展区吸引玩家的一大原因。在“IP主题互动展区”,腾讯游戏集结了《英雄联盟》《黎明觉醒》《穿越火线》《使命召唤手游》《天龙八部手游》《数码宝贝:新世纪》《妄想山海》七大重磅产品。 腾讯游戏在本届ChinaJoy的展区主题为“Spark Future&rdquo

This year's China joy is doomed. After the changes of typhoon and epidemic prevention measures, the annual event finally opened on July 30. After all kinds of episodes, the manufacturers and visitors at the exhibition site are still enthusiastic. The booths of most manufacturers are composed of a main stage and an interactive exhibition area behind the stage. The on-site performers, Coser and players trying various new games devote themselves to the activities of the exhibition area with great enthusiasm.