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《拳皇世界》手游最新情报 研发理念视频公布

"The king of fighters world" mobile game released the latest intelligence development concept video

2017-02-15 00:00:00来源: 人民网

SNK原厂制作大型3D动作MMORPG手游《拳皇世界》,将于今年夏季与大家见面。游戏除了保留KOF系列经典人设、格斗手感等基础要素外,还加入了系列首见的“自由都市模拟”元素,为玩家营造一个属于KOF的大世界。此外,游戏中的载具系统、手机系统等都为玩家在大世界中展开自由冒险生活,加入了全新冒险元素。 图1:《拳皇世界》手游 过去的几十年里,日本涌现出很多著名的游戏制作人,许多制作人的名字在玩家群体中广为流传,他们被玩家喜爱着、关注着。KOF系列统括制作人小田泰之便是其中之一,曾经参与SNK早期作品《龙虎之拳》、《饿狼传说》系列开发的他,近年来越发活跃,带领新时代的拳皇作品走向成功,让拳...

SNK original factory produced large 3 d action MMORPG mobile game, the king of fighters to the world, will meet with you this summer. Game in addition to keep KOF series of classical set, fighting the basics such as handle, also joined the first series of "freedom of urban simulation" elements, for players to build a world that belongs to KOF. In addition, the game's vehicle system, mobile phone system for players free life adventures in the world, joined the new risk elements. Figure 1: "the king of fighters world" mobile game in the past few decades, Japan emerged many famous game producer, many producers name widely circulated in the gamers, love and attention, they are players. Being KOF series producer of oda tai is one of them, SNK early works were "Long Huzhi boxing", "sunny remix" series developed by him, more active in recent years, lead the work of the king of fighters to success of the new era, let fist...

标签: 手游 视频