新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者荣耀新版本成就系统详解 成就皮肤奖励预览

王者荣耀新版本成就系统详解 成就皮肤奖励预览

The new version of the king of glory achievement system Detailed achievement award preview skin

2016-07-28 18:28:24来源: TechWeb

王者荣耀新版本加入了成就系统,成就系统不仅可以炫耀,同时还有不错的奖励可以拿!一起来看看简易的成就系统吧! 花样成就 速来解锁 成就图标在游戏主界面下方正数第五个标志,正式进入到成就页面,首先被满满的奖杯图形所震撼。没错,成就系统其实也就是一个奖杯的收藏处,记录着玩家一路王者的艰辛欢...

The new version added the king of glory achievement system achievement system can not only show off, as well as a good reward you can get! A simple look at the achievements system! Achievement speed pattern to unlock achievement icon in the main game interface Founder several fifth flag, officially entered the achievements of the page, the first to be struck by a full trophy graphics. Yes, in fact, it is a system of achievement trophy collection at the record player all the way to the king's hardships joy ...

标签: 王者荣耀