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《兽兽军团》即将封测 开启指尖魔兽传奇

"Shoushou" is about to open the Legion of IC packaging and testing fingertip Warcraft legends

2015-01-29 10:40:20来源: 多玩游戏

最新消息,龙图游戏开年力作全新3D动作卡牌手游《兽兽军团》将于近日正式开启封测。真3D精致场景完美再现爱泽拉斯世界,最熟悉的山口山英雄酷炫变身,即时战斗,微操大招,带你开启指尖山口山,尽享掌中激战。兽兽大军即将来袭,无需排队,想战就战! 【即时战斗 英雄技能自由选择】 拒绝无脑操...

latest news, dragon game open new 3D motion card Mobile Games masterpiece "Shoushou army" will officially open beta in recently. 3D really delicate scene perfect reproduction of Aizelasi world, the most familiar Yamaguchi Amaeung cool morph, real time combat, micro / with your fingertips, open the pass mountain, enjoy the hand fighting. Shoushou army is coming, without queuing, want to fight war! [real time combat hero skills free choice] refuse no brain exercise...