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血雨腥风落天下 《斗战三国志》战场活动火爆推出

Bloody falls the world "fight the war of the Three Kingdoms" battlefield hot launch

2015-10-13 12:11:22来源: 多玩游戏

悠然自得的休闲日常活动,玩久了总少了那么点刺激的感觉。现在,除了对酒当歌、隆中对、木牛流马、星坛借风、煮酒论英雄等玩法外,《斗战三国志》推出战场活动,超惊险的竞技玩法不仅让你掀起一场腥风血雨,还能收获大量诱惑福利! 3D革命性动作双端网游 《斗战三国志》官方网站:http://d...

leisurely and the leisure activities of daily living, playing for a long time the total less feel so exciting. Now, in addition to sing while drinking, Longzhong, wooden ox, star of the altar by the wind, cooking wine heroes play, "fight the war of the Three Kingdoms" launch of battlefield activities, super dangerously competitive play not only allows you to set off a reign of terror, but also gain a lot of temptation welfare! 3D revolutionary action double side online games, "the Three Kingdoms" official website: http://d...