新关注 > 信息聚合 > 力挫美军海豹部队 《抗战2》再现特种兵风采

力挫美军海豹部队 《抗战2》再现特种兵风采

From the U.S. Navy Seals the war 2 "reproduction commando style

2015-07-09 14:36:01来源: 多玩游戏

世界上的特种部队中,美国“海豹”特种部队的名气可谓名列前茅。但在曾经的爱尔纳军演场上,中国特种兵却用3:0的成绩战胜了美国“海豹”突击队。首款反攻日本爱国网游《抗战2》中的特种兵作为当之无愧的兵中之王,完美还原中国特种兵风采,强大的防守与恐怖的输出使之成为独一无二的战场精英。 首款反...

in the world special forces, the famous American" seals can be described as among the best. But in the field of Ireland had satisfied military exercises, Chinese special forces but with 3:0 victory over the USA "seal" commando. First counterattack Japanese patriotic online games, "the war 2" in the special forces as worthy of the soldiers of the king, perfect to restore China commando style, strong defensive and terror of output to become the elite of unique battlefield. First anti...