新关注 > 信息聚合 > 「雅兰德炼金术师」三部曲合集12月推出中文版


"Elegant rand alchemist" trilogy collection December launch a Chinese version

2018-10-12 16:30:29来源: 游戏时光

光荣特库摩今天宣布,《工作室 雅兰德的炼金术士1·2·3 DX》合集将于12月4日推出中文数字版,登陆 PS4、Switch 和 Steam,打包售价为625港币,分别单独购买每个约为249港币。三款游戏均收录了迄今为止所有 DLC。合集收录了《罗罗娜的工作室 雅兰德的炼金术士》《托托莉的工作室 雅兰德的炼金术士2》《梅露露的工作室 雅兰德的炼金术士3》这三部作品,它们原本在是 PS3 游戏,后来移植到了 PSV,现在又登陆了新平台。该合集已经在9月20日发售了日版,虽然中文版没能同步,但总比没有的强。更多详情可以点击这里前往游戏官网。

Glory, library of moab announced today that the studio of the rand, the alchemist 1, 2, 3 DX "collection will be launched on December 4, Chinese digital version, landing PS4, Switch and Steam, packaging price is 625 Hong Kong dollars, buy separately each of about 249 Hong Kong dollars. So far all three games are found in a DLC. Collection includes "Luo Luona studio, rand's alchemists" the studio of the toto lee rand alchemist 2 "meruru studio, rand's alchemists 3" the three films, they are originally in PS3 games, then transplanted with PSV, now and in the new platform. The collection has been released on September 20, the Japanese version, though Chinese version can't sync, but better than nothing. Can go to the game's official website click here for more details.