新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《舞街区》推出新年版本 水晶仙子送惊喜

《舞街区》推出新年版本 水晶仙子送惊喜

"Street dance" launched a new year version Crystal Fairy to send surprise

2015-01-07 22:11:45来源: 多玩游戏

美好的新年已经来临,在新的一年里《舞街区》会带给大家什么样新的惊喜呢?《舞街区》在将于今天推出全新的新年版本,新年版本将带给大家非常有趣的占星玩法、舞林盟主玩法、花样男子英雄榜玩法、全新的水晶商城系统以及非常给力的神宠艾瑞儿! 占星之术是《舞街区》本次新春版本推出的全新玩法,小伙伴们...

wonderful new year is coming, in the new year "street dance" will bring you what new surprises? "Street dance" in the new year new in version will be launched today, crystal mall system new year version will bring you very interesting astrological play, dance forest leader play, men's synchronized heroes gameplay, new and pet Ai Ruier very awesome of god! Astrological skill "new play" street dance this spring version launched, friends...