新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《二之国2 亡灵王国》最终预告:夺回自己的祖国

《二之国2 亡灵王国》最终预告:夺回自己的祖国

"The kingdom of the dead 2 of 2" final notice: back in his own country

2018-03-18 10:38:10来源: 游戏时光

Level-5公布了《二之国2 亡灵王国》的最终宣传片,同时放出了两段“小狛与风丸一郎太的二之国2大冒险”宣传视频,《妖怪手表》中的小狛与《闪电十一人》中的风丸一郎太将带领我们提前领略《二之国2》的游戏世界。最终宣传片优酷地址小狛与风丸一郎太的二之国2大冒险 前篇优酷地址小狛与风丸一郎太的二之国2大冒险·后篇优酷地址《二之国2 亡灵王国》将于3月23日发售,对应PS4/PC平台。来源:gematsu

Level - 5 published "the kingdom of the dead 2 of 2" in the final video, released at the same time two "small 狛 pill with wind, too big adventure of two of 2" propaganda video, "" the monster watch" the small 狛 and wind pill in "lightning eleven" ichiro too will lead us to appreciate the two nation 2 ahead of the game world. Eventually AD youku address small 狛 pill with wind ichiro too 2 before the big adventure of two countries youku address small 狛 and wind pill ichiro too 2 big adventure of two countries, after the article youku address "the kingdom of the dead 2 of 2" will be put on sale on March 23, corresponding PS4 / PC platform. Source: gematsu