新关注 > 信息聚合 > 保护大象破坏方块 《CCTAN》试玩介绍

保护大象破坏方块 《CCTAN》试玩介绍

Protect the elephant block damage "CCTAN" demo introduced

2016-03-31 05:43:55来源: 和讯网

第1页:游戏介绍 不知大家有没有玩过一款叫做《BBTAN》的撞砖块游戏,这次该作的开发商 111% 带来了一款利用撞砖块原理打造的新作《CCTAN》,开发商还特别强调了本作是《BBTAN》兄弟作。 《CCTAN》 与《BBTAN》相似的是,《CCTAN》同样是使用球来破坏方块,...

Page 1: game on the do not know you have not played a called the BBTAN the bricks into the game. This is for developers of 111 brought a use hit bricks principle to create a new "CCTAN", developers also particularly stressed the this is the BBTAN "brothers as. "CCTAN" and "BBTAN" is similar, "CCTAN" is also the use of the ball to destroy the box,...