新关注 > 信息聚合 > 沉迷氪金抽卡无法自拔,管不住手原来都是因为这个!


Addiction krypton gold card cannot extricate oneself, tube don't stop because of this!

2017-11-13 18:06:42来源: 任玩堂


Smoke out of the box/card system, has become a very popular within the game profit model, no matter what type of game, whether or not the game to pay, also no matter single or multi, this game is you will always find it. Such as the furnace stone legend card package, the CS: GO box. Players in out of the box are generally, such as the role of new lines, weapons, clothing or props such as skin does not affect the game balance. In it there are free out of the box and krypton gold out of the box. You may heartily sick of such system, but also may feel this kind of system in some perspective is quite fair. The secret is not hard to understand. Out of the box, suction card is a kind of pleasure, a release you forward to process, although the results are always end in disappointment after luxuriant kaifeng effects. But occasionally there are still several times, we offer what we want, so in the mood of excitement and joy...