新关注 > 信息聚合 > 赛博朋克为何总与“裸露”相伴?


Why is cyberpunk always accompanied by nudity?

2019-04-23 09:06:24来源: 游戏时光

当提到「赛博朋克」时你会想到些什么?是满布霓虹的晦暗城市,还是伴随着电子脑催生的用药文化,亦或是在碳纤维突触与肌肉作用下,义体所呈现的感官世界?除此之外,恐怕还有一些片段让人记忆深刻:那就是极为露骨的性描写,无论言语还是视觉上的。借助脑后插管来获得欢愉,在《攻壳机动队》中已然成了常态。CDPR 同样允诺《赛博朋克2077》会有“与众不同”的体验,与 NPC 的互动将变得更为多元。就连知名的成人动画团队 StudioFOW(马头社),在迈入游戏行业时相中的题材,也是色情内容与赛博朋克、科幻等元素的组合。马头社的《Subverse》要知道,可没有一个强制性的准则规训着创作者。他们约定俗成的、或是全...

What do you think of when you mention Cyberpunk? Is it a gloomy city full of neon, a culture of drug use driven by electronic brain, or the sensory world presented by the prosthesis under the action of carbon fiber synapses and muscles? In addition, I'm afraid there are some memorable episodes: very explicit sexual descriptions, both verbal and visual. It has become the norm in Shell-Attacking Mobile Team to gain pleasure by means of posterior cerebral intubation. CDPR also promises Cyberpunk 2077 a "different" experience and a more diverse interaction with NPC. Even the well-known Adult Animation team Studio FOW (Matou Club), when entering the game industry, is a combination of pornographic content and cyberpunk, science fiction and other elements. The Subverse of the Matou Society knows that there is no mandatory norm that governs the creator. They agreed that, or all of them ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()().