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无重力也能在外太空跳跃 Space Platform《太空平..

There is no gravity in space can also jump Space Platform "space plane..

2015-04-29 16:45:00来源: 任玩堂

你能想象在外太空跳跃是怎么样吗?别考虑没有重力无法跳跃的问题,在游戏世界里,没有什么是不可能的。这款由 Muse Tools 推出的第一人称动作游戏——Space Platform《太空平台》就让玩家感受了一次连宇航员都无法得到的体验。游戏的玩法非常简单,玩家的目的就是在各个平台之间跳跃...

can you imagine in outer space jump is what? Don't consider there is no gravity cannot jump problem, in the game world, not what is not possible. The Muse Tools launched the first person action game "Space Platform" -- a space platform let game player feel an even astronauts cannot get experience. The game play is very simple, the game player to jump in between the various platforms...