新关注 > 信息聚合 > 每日日系新游播报(11月27日):BL 侦探手游《第..

每日日系新游播报(11月27日):BL 侦探手游《第..

Daily Japanese XinYou broadcast (27 November) : BL detective mobile game the first..

2015-11-27 19:12:57来源: 任玩堂

《第二个秘密》(SecondSecret)是 AltPlus 旗下的一款BL游戏,本作目前已经开放了提前预约,游戏中玩家要扮演一个小侦探社的社员,在三个男主中选一个进行恋爱故事。 游戏中除了 BL 恋爱之外,还有解谜要素,本作是一个女性向的BL游戏,所以故事情节也十分符合女性玩家的兴趣...

The second secret (SecondSecret) is a subsidiary of AltPlus a BL game, this is now opened in advance, the game players to play a little detective club membership, in one out of three men to the love story. The game in addition to the BL is in love, and puzzle elements, this is a women to BL game, so the story is also meet women interested in...

标签: 手游