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哆啦A梦杀入中国手游 是惊喜还是惊吓

Doraemon reached China tour was a surprise or shock

2015-08-08 23:41:42来源: 艾瑞网

对于很多80后乃至90后来说,日本动漫永远是童年最美好的回忆之一。直到现在,仍然影响着很多人的行为举止乃至世界观。与现在只知道喜洋洋、大头儿子的零零后相比,真心幸福许多。也正是因为日本动漫在国内巨大的影响力,让众多周边企业对其的再开发带来的潜在收益垂涎三尺。 尤其是在移动互联网领域,...

for many 80 and 90, Japanese animation is always one of the most beautiful memories of my childhood. Until now, it still affects a lot of people's behavior and behavior and the world outlook. And now only know the bulk of his son's radiant, compared to zero zero after many, really happy. It is also because Japanese anime great influence in the domestic, let many enterprises surrounding the re development of the potential benefits of mouth watering. Especially in the field of mobile internet,...

标签: 手游