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开壕车 过好年《跑跑卡丁车》百万豪礼回馈狂欢

Open trench car have a good year "KartRider" million ho ceremony feedback Carnival

2015-02-12 11:58:29来源: 多玩游戏

新春佳节即将到来,《跑跑卡丁车》先给所有玩家拜个早年!祝大家在新的一年里,心想事成,“羊羊”得意。感谢大家在过去一年中对繁荣山丘的爱护,在接下来的2015年,让我们携手并肩,为了未来加油! 2015超凡尊享礼包豪华上市 来自特隆世界的“2015超凡尊享礼包”,处处透露着神秘。现在...

the upcoming Lunar New Year, "KartRider" give all the game player thanks to the early! I wish you in the new year, happy, "sheep" proud. Thank you in the past year to the prosperity of Hill love, in the next 2015, let us join hands, in order to fueling the future! 2015 extraordinary enjoy luxury package listed from Tron world "the 2015 extraordinary enjoy package", all reveal the mysterious. Now...