新关注 > 信息聚合 > TGA夏季大奖赛线上选拔赛将启 《神之浩劫》全民..

TGA夏季大奖赛线上选拔赛将启 《神之浩劫》全民..

TGA summer Grand Prix qualifying line will start "God" national catastrophe..

2015-05-07 16:05:38来源: 多玩游戏

世界那么大,我想去战战!一年一度的TGA(腾讯游戏竞技平台)夏季大奖赛即将如约而至,风靡全球的3D MOBA《神之浩劫》将再次“加盟”这场精彩赛事中,线上选拔赛也将在5月全面打响。全民备战招募进行时,玩家战队、俱乐部战队开放报名,一战成神的机会已经到来。 《神之浩劫》 TGA夏季...

world is so big, I want to go to war! Once a year TGA (Tencent game platform) summer Grand Prix will come to the party, 3D MOBA swept the world "holocaust" God will again "join" the wonderful events, online auditions will also fully started in May. Prepare national recruitment, game player, team club team open enrollment, a war god's opportunity has arrived. "Scourge of God" TGA summer...