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DOTA天梯竞技场第二季 万元奖金等你拿!

DOTA ladder season second yuan bonus you get!

2015-02-11 15:29:11来源: 太平洋游戏网

“千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面”,没错,广受DotA玩家欢迎的11平台DOTA竞技场终于在玩家的千呼万唤下再次来袭!今天第二赛季正式对外!小伙伴们,还在等什么?最强英雄榜和TOP100排行榜全部刷新!本次第二赛季依旧持续三个月哦!赶紧冲榜去吧!GO!GO!GO!为荣誉而战! No1...

"time and again come out, partly veiled", yes, DOTA arena 11 platform popular DotA game player welcome finally struck again in the next game player time and again! Today the second season officially! Friends, what are you waiting for? The strongest heroes and TOP100 list refresh all! The two season lasts three months! Rushing list go! GO! GO! GO! Fight for honor! No1...

标签: DOTA