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《全民枪战》中秋躲猫猫 你藏好了吗?

"Mid Autumn Festival" universal gunfight peek-a-boo you hide?

2015-09-24 16:57:57来源: TechWeb

《全民枪战》版本即将迎来更新,此次更新的相关内容中,给玩家们带来的惊喜就是上线最新模式“躲猫猫”。 “躲猫猫”模式里,隐藏者一方的玩家化身成为各种各样的小道具隐藏在场景中,想尽一切办法在游戏时间内不被搜寻者发现,你想好要变成什么了吗? 活动时间:9.23——9.29 参与方式: ...

"universal gunfight" version is about to usher in the update, update the related content, to the players to bring surprises is launched the new mode of "hide and seek". "Hide and seek" mode, hide their party player avatar become a variety of props, hidden in the scene, leave no stone unturned in the game time is not search were found. Do you want to become what the? Time: 9.23, 9.29 participation:...