新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2018《守望先锋》世界杯回归 小组赛8月17日开赛

2018《守望先锋》世界杯回归 小组赛8月17日开赛

2018 "watchman pioneer" World Cup back to the group on August 17

2018-08-17 00:00:00来源: 人民网

随着时间步入下半年,《守望先锋》即将迎来一年一度的世界杯,这也是所有守望先锋玩家每年的狂欢派对了,小编也想看到中国队伍在国际舞台取得好的表现。在2016年世界杯中,中国队八强赛惜败瑞典,而2017年在八强赛不敌法国,也令国内粉丝感到非常遗憾。虽然中国队在过去两年的世界赛都未能取得好成绩,但确实两次都在国内的电竞圈中掀起了热潮。作为一款刚度过两周年的新游戏,守望先锋世界杯成为了电竞世界的重要一环。 2017年世界杯的上海站赛事是由香蕉游戏传媒主办,也是守望先锋世界杯首次来到中国。在去年的世界杯上海站中,中国展现了强大的赛事OB团队,解说阵容也是非常专业,让不少老外点赞。最终,中国队在主场...

With into the second half of the time, "the watchman pioneer" will soon celebrate the annual World Cup, which is all the vanguard player each year to watch party, small make up also want to see China team on the international stage to achieve good performance. In the 2016 World Cup, the Chinese team the last defeat in Sweden, and in 2017 by the French in the last eight of the competition, also makes the domestic fans feel very sorry. Although the Chinese team in the past two years the world has failed to get good grades, but it does both in the domestic circle of e-sports set off a boom. As a just through the second anniversary of the new game, watch became the vanguard World Cup e-sports an important part of the world. The Shanghai stop of the 2017 World Cup event is sponsored by the banana game media, pioneer and watch the World Cup for the first time to China. At last year's World Cup in Shanghai, China showed a strong event OB team, commentary team is also very professional, let many foreigners praise. In the end, the Chinese team at home...

标签: 守望先锋