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《劲舞团》绝版徽章收藏卡 最后的回响

"Audition" out of print collection card last badge echoes out of print

2015-10-08 11:00:37来源: 17173

绝版徽章、收藏卡,奏响最后的回响!绝版徽章收藏卡——VIP1最后的售卖现已开始!无论是新玩家还是老玩家,还不快来参与活动,获取最后限量的荣誉! 本次活动中,广受玩家欢迎的VIP1徽章卡,将呈现在玩家面前,无数次的后悔没有机会获得心仪的VIP1徽章,圆梦的好机会就在眼前!曾经的梦想,现...

badges, cards, played the last echo! Out of print badge collection card VIP1 final sale -- start now! Whether it is a new player or old players, but also not to participate in activities, get the final limit of honor! The event, widely welcomed by the players VIP1 badge card, will be presented in front of the player, and numerous regret you have no chance of getting a few VIP1 badge, dreams of the good opportunities in front of us! Once dream, now...