新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暴力输出阵容 皇室战争A9三枪流卡组推荐

暴力输出阵容 皇室战争A9三枪流卡组推荐

Violent output squad The royal war A9 flow card group recommends three shots

2016-07-11 17:03:30来源: 新浪

今天给大家带来一套关于A9阶段皇室战争三枪流卡组。这皇室战争A9三枪流卡组倾向于推塔,且输出暴力。下面让我们一起来看看这套卡组的搭配。 三枪流卡组 单卡分析 1、巨人 外号胖子,7级胖子血量3500,移动城堡,攻击力也非常强,放着不管,一个人能拆一座塔,你能不管吗?个人觉得巨人在...

Today bring you a royal war the A9 phase flow card set of three shots. The royal war A9 3 guns flow card groups tend to push the tower, and the output of violence. Let's take a look at the deck group match. 3 guns flow card set of single card analysis 1, the giant Nickname fat, blood fat was 3500 level 7, moving castle, damage is also very strong, there is no matter, a person can hurt a tower, you can no matter? Personal think the giant in...