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上课偷玩的诺基亚 那些年塞班上的神级游戏

Nokia steal school play those years God-level game on Saipan

2016-02-02 08:47:55来源: 环球网

看到“塞班系统”相信很多00后孩子应该跑去求妈妈科普这是个什么鬼?但对于80后,90后来讲,那些年我们一起摔过的诺基亚,那些年塞班按键机的神级游戏,现在讲起来真的也是让不笑猫开始老泪纵横了。 现今手游更新换代的速度真叫人看傻了眼,如今的手机市场也基本已经被iOS、安卓、WP瓜分完毕,...

See "Saipan system." I believe a lot of 00 after the child should go ask mom what the hell is this science? But for 80, 90, after speaking, those years with us Shuaiguo Nokia, Symbian those years God-level game machine button, speak up now so that really is not a laughing cat began to tears. Now hand travel replacement rate really makes people look perplexing, today's mobile phone market has been basically iOS, Android, WP carved up, ...

标签: 游戏