新关注 > 信息聚合 > 热血传奇手游电脑版 逍遥安卓模拟器带你重回青春

热血传奇手游电脑版 逍遥安卓模拟器带你重回青春

Legend of Mir tour the PC version of the free and unfettered Ann Zhuo simulator takes you back to youth

2015-08-13 17:22:53来源: 中国软件网


legend no legend, blood after no brothers. In 2001 the legend of Mir not only is a network game, it is a whole generation of Chinese youth, is the Chinese people began to the originator of the contact network, 80% of Internet cafes because of it, it is a times forever cannot erase memories. It gives us a different world of video games, a stick, dressed clothes, brothers and side by side, the battle of in the rivers and lakes. Fourteen years of legend, blood memories...