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群雄逐鹿 大话西游2免费版迎巅峰对决

Feudal lords vying for the throne Westward Journey 2 Free Edition meet between the peak

2015-03-14 08:52:38来源: 新浪

大话西游2免费版比武大会先锋战,激战正酣,已经赛程过半。众多大神玩家,默契团队纷纷浮出水面,初露峥嵘。 目前,比赛已经完成了报名和服务器选拔赛,全服16强已经脱颖而出。本周末,各个服务器的代表队伍将会进行全服赛。配合赛程,比武大会还设计了投票环节:在本服选拔赛结束后,各服的玩家们可以...

Westward Journey 2 Free Edition tournament pioneer war, fierce fighting was going on, already halfway. Numerous god game player, tacit team have surfaced, are forming. At present, the game has completed the registration and server tryouts, serving all the top 16 have been talent showing itself. This weekend, the team will represent each server full service competition. With the schedule, the tournament has also designed a vote: in the service selection after the end of the game, the game player who can suit...

标签: 大话西游