新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电影授权手游《西游降魔篇》带你重温“大话西游”


The movie "journey to the west" authorized Mobile Games drop the article with you again "Westward Journey"

2015-05-12 17:06:01来源: 任玩堂

《西游降魔篇》(动作版)是同名电影授权改编的手游,故事遵从电影原作,讲述的是一个妖魔横行的世界,唐三藏依次收服猪妖以及妖王之王孙悟空为徒,并用“大爱”将他们感化的故事,可谓是《大话西游》前传。 游戏主推特色无限连招、神将养成以及团队副本玩法,并且将街机操作与 RPG 元素合为一体,对动...

drop article (action version) is the movie adaptation of the story Mobile Games authorized, to comply with the original film, tells the story of a demon rampant in the world, in order to soothe and Zang pig demon Lich King King Sun Wukong acts, and "big love" will affect their story, can be described as "journey to the west". The main game features unlimited combo, push God team form and a copy of the play, and the arcade operation and the RPG element as a whole, on the move...