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大话西游手游龙马怎么得 龙马获得方法

Westward Journey tour Ma to Ma method for obtaining

2015-07-21 18:21:08来源: 4399

问:大话西游手游龙马怎么得?大话西游手游龙马获得方法 答:龙马获得方式 1、累积充值6000仙玉,领取充值购买648人民币套餐,龙马带回家。如果充值1000可以领取之前的所有奖励! 2、在商会购买(特殊召唤兽可以寄售) 这个要等待其他玩家寄售 龙马属性介绍 携带等级 0 成...

Q: how Westward Journey tour Longma? Westward Journey tour Longma method for obtaining a: 1, cumulative recharge 6000 Yu Ma, receive prepaid purchase 648 yuan package, Ma home. If the top 1000 can receive all the rewards before! 2, in the chamber of Commerce to buy (Special Summon can consignment) this will have to wait for the other players consignment Longma attribute the carry level 0.

标签: 手游 大话西游