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《江湖2015》今日震撼公测 IPhone6 Plus等你来拿

"Rivers and lakes 2015" shock today beta iphone6 plus for you to take

2015-07-21 15:36:47来源: 4399

承载万千玩家的期待,今夏最酷热的横版格斗手游《江湖2015》,即将在7月21日上午11:00震撼公测,在全国各大安卓渠道联合首发,更有众多公测活动毫不吝啬送豪礼,iPhone6 plus、京东卡等你抱回家。 《江湖2015》凭借高保真的画质、绝佳的连招割草快感、爽快淋漓的打击感,深受国...

carrying thousands of players can look forward to, this summer's hot horizontal version of the fighting Tour "Jianghu 2015" is on July 21, 11:00 am shocked beta, jointly starting in the Android channels and many more male measured activities generous send Hao Li, iphone6 plus, Jingdong cards you hold back home. "2015" with high fidelity arena quality, great pleasure, even mowing readily dripping against the flu, by country...