新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《龙骑战歌》7月23日越狱内测 实时PVP功能开启

《龙骑战歌》7月23日越狱内测 实时PVP功能开启

"Dragoon Warsong" on July 23, jailbreak beta real-time PVP function open

2015-07-21 18:36:11来源: 4399

以暴风雨之势席卷2015手机游戏市场的《龙骑战歌》即将于7月23日越狱内测。届时,《龙骑战歌》将在各大渠道进行内测,并开启实时PVP的功能。快拿起手中的利剑跟迈娅大陆的冒险者! ▌实时PVP战斗 在《龙骑战歌》中,竞技场是证明玩家实力的最佳场所。玩家每日挑竞技场次数默认为6次,每天凌...

to storm swept through 2015 mobile game market "dragoon Warsong Gulch" will be on July 23 jailbreak beta. At that time, "" will be measured in the dragoon battle of the channel, and open real-time PVP function. Quick to pick up the sword, with MAIJA adventurers! Real-time PVP fight in the "Battle Hymn" dragoon, the arena is the best place to prove the strength of the game player. Players pick the number of times per day for the default 6 times, every day...