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TV游戏时代 海信携小y游戏首发TV版我叫MT2

TV game era Hisense join the first TV game version of the y I call on 20 MT2

2015-07-21 17:05:20来源: 科技讯

7月20日,小y游戏宣布获得卓越游戏《我叫MT2》电视版独家代理权,该作将于8月7日18:18:18正式上线,电视游戏的全新时代也将由此展开。届时,海信电视将与小Y游戏联合首发,让千万海信智能电视用户在第一时间得以体验。 海视云CEO于芝涛先生出席发布会 《我叫MT2》是由乐动卓...

7 month, y games announced to obtain excellent game "my name is MT2" the TV version of the right to the exclusive agent, the work will be held August 7 introduction formally launched, the new era of video games will also be launched this. By then, Hisense TV will be combined with the small Y game starting, so that millions of Hisense smart TV users in the first time to experience. Mr. Yu Zhitao, the sea as cloud CEO conference, I called the MT2 is made by the music...

标签: 游戏