新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一个重塑经典的游戏《屠龙令》新版本热血重燃


A remake of the classic game "dragon" and the new version of the blood rekindle

2015-07-22 11:51:46来源: 不凡游戏网

曾经的沙城勇士啊!你们是否还在为找不到好游戏而苦恼;是否还为体验不了当年的热血激情觉得无聊?现在不会了,继承经典传奇类手游大作《屠龙令》给你想要的一切!夺宝PK,热血攻沙,装备交易,红名杀人,这些你熟悉的玩法都将一一呈现在你的眼前! 热血重燃,让我们杀出一个新传奇。 抢钱、抢怪、抢装...

once the Shacheng warriors ah! If you still can not find a good game distress; whether it is not to experience when the fervor bored? Not now, inherited the classic pass odd class tour started as a "Dragon" to you want everything! Indiana PK, blood attack sand, equipment trading, red kill, these are you familiar with the play will be presented one in front of you! Renewed blood, let us to blaze a new legend. Qiangguai, rob, rob loading...

标签: 游戏