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项目经理竟是人妖? 《斗仙》玩家见面会爆点

The project manager is a monster? "Dou Xian" meet the players will burst point

2015-07-22 10:43:14来源: 多玩游戏

日前,为庆祝《斗仙》不删档测试2周年,《斗仙》首届玩家见面会在鼓浪屿上成功举办!不得不说,《斗仙》玩家见面会现场爆点多多!除了俊男美女令人大饱眼福,大量小黄鸡“名鸡有主”之外,万万没想到会场竟流出“项目经理竟是人妖”这样的传闻,究竟是怎么回事呢?探秘模式开启! 《斗仙》玩家见面会现场 ...

recently, in order to celebrate the Dou Xian "does not delete the files test 2 anniversary, the bucket Xian" the first internationally meeting was successfully held in Gulangyu. Have to say, the bucket immortal players will meet a lot of the scene burst point! In addition to hunks and babes it is feast for the eyes, a large number of small yellow chicken "chicken", absolutely did not think of venue unexpectedly outflow "project manager was actually Simon" such rumors, what is the matter? Quest mode open! "Dou Xian" players meet the scene...

标签: 玩家