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The Mysterious Spokesperson's Great Conjecture of "Heaven's Way Inquires for Love"

2019-04-15 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近日,君海在低调地开展着寻找大牌代言人计划。自3D治愈国风仙侠手游《天道问情》宣布将有神秘代言人加盟以来,这一话题即在游戏圈和娱乐圈迅速升温,倍受关注。关于代言人猜想大家都议论纷纷,官方也给出了几位明星的猜想。但是在没有公布之前谁都是有可能的,大家看下哪个可能性更高呢? 猜想一:四小花旦——迪丽热巴 来自新疆乌鲁木齐的迪丽热巴是如今的当红花旦和新一代的国民女神。极具异域风情的她饰演过很多不同类型的角色,在《古剑奇谭》中她是精灵古怪的芙蕖,虽然百里屠苏要喊她师姐,不过在大师兄陵越眼中,她可就是“小师妹”,与《天道问情》的“小汐妹”有异曲同工之妙。 猜想二:一线大咖——杨幂 ...

Recently, Junhai has been carrying out a low-key plan to find a big-name spokesperson. Since the announcement that there will be mysterious spokespersons to join in the 3D Cure of National Wind and Fairy Knight-errant Tour "Tiandao Inquiry", this topic has been attracting more and more attention in the game and entertainment circles. As for the spokesperson's guess, there is a lot of discussion, and the official also gave the guess of several stars. But before the announcement, everyone can see which one is more likely? Guess one: Four Little Flowers - Dili Reba from Urumqi, Xinjiang, is the current Safflower Dan and the new generation of national goddess. Extremely exotic, she has played many different kinds of roles. In The Ancient Sword Qitan, she is an elf's weird fungus. Although Bailitusu wants to call her sister and teacher, in the eyes of the elder brother Lingyue, she is a "little sister and teacher", which is similar to the "little sisters" in Tiandao Inquiries. Guess two: a line of big Cafe - Yang Fang.