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"Contra" the real history behind the proxy war, the United States

2017-06-16 16:13:08来源: 任玩堂

关于《魂斗罗》这三个字,除了作为红白机上的童年回忆外,你对它还了解多少?如果你在搜索引擎上输入Contra这个词,搜索出来的结果大都和我们熟悉的那个名叫Contra的电子游戏有关。当然还有许多其他乱七八糟的解释:一家名叫Contra的纽约餐厅;一种名叫Contra-dance的民族舞蹈;美国乐队Vampire Weekend发布的一张同名专辑等等。然而,在这百花缭乱的各色词条里,最该引起我们注意的却是魂斗罗这一个名字背后那个让人讳莫如深的政治事件。Contras其实是冷战时期美国前总统里根手下的一支尼加拉瓜雇佣军。当时的尼加拉瓜还在美国扶植的傀儡总统安纳斯塔西奥·索摩查·德瓦伊莱的独裁统治下。...

About the three words "contra", in addition to being on the memory of childhood, you know about it? If you are the word input Contra on search engines, search out results and we are familiar with the name is mostly Contra electronic games. Of course there are many other at sixes and sevens explanation: a New York restaurant named Contra. A named Contra dance folk dance; The band released deliberate fusion self-titled album, and so on. However, in the flowers of various terms, the most the caught our attention is contra this one name behind the secretive political events. Contras is the former President of the United States during the cold war, Mr Reagan's a mercenary in Nicaragua. Puppet President of Nicaragua was propped up in the United States still Anna the stasi, somoza DE tile eli's dictatorship. ...