新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《奔跑吧胡子》:这个11月里 留胡子的男人才是最帅

《奔跑吧胡子》:这个11月里 留胡子的男人才是最帅

"Run bar mustache": the 11 months left a man's beard is the most handsome

2015-11-04 19:35:11来源: 任玩堂

在西方 11 月又叫胡子节(Movember),是男性特有的节日,在整个月里所有男性都要求留胡子。这个节日最初的发源地是在澳大利亚,经传播后便影响到了其他国家,渐渐地成为了一项世界性的慈善活动。而 Run Mo Run!《奔跑吧胡子》正是为了庆祝这一节日而制作的一款游戏。 《奔跑吧胡子...

in November in Western called beard (Movember) Festival, is a festival for the male specific, in the month of all men are required to grow a beard. The festival was originally home in Australia, after the spread of the impact to other countries, and gradually become a world of charitable activities. And Mo Run Run! "Running beard" is a game to celebrate this festival. "Run the beard...