新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《侠客风云传Online》场外小游戏,集字活动持续进行中


The paladin cloud spread Online otc little game, set of words in the ongoing activity

2018-02-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

作为一款有着《侠客风云传》IP背景的武侠游戏,《侠客风云传Online》制作团队在制作过程中一直秉持着“不忘初心,方得始终”的原则。 《侠客风云传Online》延续了之前单机版独特的战旗玩法和高自由度剧情,只为了给玩家带来真实体验的武侠世界。 难忘的当然还要属侠客里面的小游戏,还记得有强迫症的同学一次又一次的重复打地鼠,只因为中间失败了一次。 在《侠客风云传Online》中小游戏将以另外一种形式出现在玩家面前,不用花时间,而且在参加游戏的同时还有丰厚的福利可以获取。 下面就透露一下《侠客风云传Online》为大家准备的小游戏吧 【活动内容】 这是一个集字活动,一共五个字“侠”“客...

As a with the IP paladin of the white background of the martial arts game, the paladin cloud spread Online production team in the production process has always uphold the "beginner's mind, never forget to always" principle. The paladin cloud spread Online before continuing the stand-alone version plot unique gameplay and high the banner of the degrees of freedom, in order to bring real experience of the martial arts world player. Unforgettable, of course, also belong to the inside of the knight-errant game, remember the classmates have obsessive-compulsive disorder, again and again repeat whack-a-mole, just because the middle failed again. In the small and medium-sized paladin cloud spread Online, the game will be in the form of another appeared in front of players, you don't have to spend time, and at the same time in the game and generous welfare can get. Below will reveal the paladin cloud spread Online for you little game [content] this is a collection of words, a total of five words "spiderman" guest "...

标签: 游戏