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回顾过去展望未来 细数游戏史上的30款神作

A review of the past and looking forward to the future count game in the history of 30 Muse

2015-10-23 11:42:33来源: 新浪

电子游戏诞生已经有半个世纪了,而真正的游戏世代开始可以说从1985年的《超级马里奥兄弟》的出现而爆发。30年过去了,我们经历了一个眼花缭乱但是精彩纷呈游戏世界,而你有经历过多少呢? 今天就从过去30年间,选取30部经典,甚至可以称为神作的游戏,和大家一起来回顾一下历史,同时展望一下未...

electronic game birth has been taken for half a century, and a real game generation start can be said from 1985 "Super Mario Bros. and the outbreak. 30 years in the past, we have experienced a dazzling but brilliant game world, and you have experienced a number of it? Today from the past 30 years, select the 30 classic, even for a liar game, and we work together to review the history, at the same time, looking about not...

标签: 游戏