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盖娅互娱战略投资BHVR 迈出国际化3A品质探索坚实一步

Gaia mutual entertainment strategic investment BHVR towards internationalization aaa quality solid step exploration

2018-10-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2018年10月16日,北京盖娅互娱网络科技股份有限公司(以下简称“盖娅互娱”)与加拿大最大的本土游戏公司Behaviour Interactive Inc.(以下简称“BHVR”)达成战略合作,完成了对BHVR的战略投资。此次合作将持续推动BHVR的不断发展并有助于双方共同拓展全球游戏市场。此前合作双方已经发布消息,目前两家公司正在合作研发基于HBO全球热播剧《权力的游戏》的手机游戏。 “作为位于加拿大蒙特利尔的工作室,我们深刻感受到游戏行业在全球的快速发展,” BHVR公司CEO兼执行制作人Remi Racine表示,“与GAEA的战略合作伙伴关系将加速我们的全球化、全平台进程。“...

On October 16, 2018, Beijing gaia mutual entertainment network technology co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the "gaia mutual entertainment") and Canada's largest domestic game companies Behaviour Interactive Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "BHVR") reached a strategic cooperation, complete the strategic investment of BHVR. This cooperation will continue to promote the continuous development of BHVR and help both sides to expand the global gaming market. Cooperation both sides had earlier release news, the two companies are cooperative research and development based on the HBO hit drama "game of thrones of the world's mobile phone games. "As the studio is located in Montreal, Canada, we deeply feel the gaming industry in the rapid development of the world," BHVR company CEO and executive producer Remi Racine, said "the strategic cooperative partnership with GAEA will speed up our process of globalization, the whole platform. "...

标签: VR