新关注 > 信息聚合 > 当弹珠遇上杀马特 《怪物弹珠》与《最终幻想》将展开联动企划

当弹珠遇上杀马特 《怪物弹珠》与《最终幻想》将展开联动企划

When the marbles in kill matt "monster marbles" and "final fantasy" will open joint project

2017-02-07 17:26:42来源: 任玩堂

《怪物弹珠》凭借着颇具休闲型的弹珠 RPG 玩法,除了在日本地区以外收获了不少人气以外,在全世界也有一定的粉丝。当然最为重点的还是本作经常会和一些动漫游戏作品的联动企划,以便吸引人气,而近日该游戏开发商 Mixi 便正式宣布《怪物弹珠》将会与 Square Enix 的《最终幻想》展开合作。事实上,这次联动还碰上了《最终幻想》30 周年庆祝,因此两家索性有了合作的机遇。有趣的是,《最终幻想》御用画师天野喜孝也为此联动绘制了全新的宣传画,从插画中可以看出这些均是《怪物弹珠》的角色,不知道以后会不会有《最终幻想》的角色在《怪物弹珠》里露个面,或者是在《最终幻想》手游里出现《怪物弹珠》的元素呢?目前...

The monster marbles with's casual marbles RPG game, except in Japan to harvest a lot of popularity, have some fans around the world. , of course, the most key and this often and some anime titles linkage projects, in order to attract popularity, but recently the game developers Mixi was officially announced that the monster marbles will with Square Enix "final fantasy" to cooperate. In fact, the linkage is met "final fantasy" the 30th anniversary of the celebration, so two simply have the cooperation opportunity. It is interesting to note that "final fantasy" imperial painter amano like filial piety or linkage map for this new propaganda, can be seen from the illustration of the role of these are the monster marbles, don't know later will have the role of the "final fantasy" in "the monster marbles" show up, or is in the mobile game "final fantasy" appear "monster marbles" elements? At present...

标签: 最终幻想