新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从200支游戏团队中筛选出10支 他们当中有人或将入职腾讯

从200支游戏团队中筛选出10支 他们当中有人或将入职腾讯

Extract the 10 games team from 200 Some of them or tencent

2017-12-04 00:00:00来源: 人民网

11月23日,为期五个月的腾讯NEXT IDEA高校游戏创意制作大赛落下帷幕,十支大学生游戏团队历经了初赛甄选、复赛打磨的重重考验之后,在近200支队伍中突出重围,带着自己的作品进入决赛。最终,由谢泽帆个人独立创作的作品《色彩边缘》以出色的创意勇夺大赛金奖和最佳创意设计奖,EMM团队的作品《Flash Black》和Free Style团队的《道斯先生》荣获大赛银奖,包括三个团队成员在内的17位优秀选手已完成腾讯面试,有望入职腾讯游戏。 10强突围,决赛发布拼创意 据腾讯游戏学院副院长刘子建透露,主办方从近200支队伍中层层筛选,才艰难选出十支队伍晋级决赛,每次筛选都会从产品创意、...

On November 23, five months of tencent NEXT IDEA university games creative competition ended, ten college team after the game after preliminary selection, the semi grinding heavy test, break through in the nearly 200 teams, with his work to the final. Work is created in the end, by Xie Zefan personal independence "color edge with excellent originality won competition gold medal and the best creative design, EMM team work" Flash Black and Free Style the way Mr Team won the silver award, including three team members, 17 excellent players tencent interview has been completed, is expected to tencent game. , final release 10 strong breakthrough ideas According to zi-jian liu, vice President of the institute of tencent game, the organizers from nearly 200 teams in the screening, were difficult to select the ten team final, each filter from creative product,...

标签: 腾讯 游戏