新关注 > 信息聚合 > 狂野飙车8B级车法拉利F50改装攻略 法拉利50周年..

狂野飙车8B级车法拉利F50改装攻略 法拉利50周年..

Wild 8 b-class ferrari racing F50 adapted strategy for the 50th anniversary of the ferrari..

2016-02-26 14:56:53来源: 4399

法拉利汽车公司已经有几十年的经历了,当然也创造出来很多优秀的法拉利跑车,法拉利公司在40周年庆和50周年庆的时候分别推出了F40、F50两款跑车,今天小编要为大家介绍的就是来自狂野飙车8中B级车法拉利F50的改装攻略,让大家可以驾驶者这辆50周年庆跑车去征战世界赛。 车辆升级性能及花费...

Ferrari car companies already have decades of experience, of course, also created many excellent ferrari, anniversary of the ferrari at 40 and 50 anniversary, when respectively introduced F40 F50 two roadster, today small make up to introduce is come from wild motorcycle racing 8 b-class ferrari F50 modified strategy, let everybody can driver the 50 anniversary sports car in the world. Vehicle upgrade performance and cost...