新关注 > 信息聚合 > 并非全是负面新闻 玩Pokemon Go救了人

并非全是负面新闻 玩Pokemon Go救了人

Not all negative news play Pokemon Go save the people

2016-07-23 06:05:37来源: 中关村在线

全球都在为Pokemon Go疯狂!前不久各种关于Pokemon Go的负面消息不绝于耳,大家都在感慨该游戏给人带来乐趣的同时,过度沉迷导致悲剧发生。但关于Pokemon Go的消息绝非全为负面,近期就有Pokemon Go玩家因游戏而救人的消息。 Pokemon Go游戏界面 援...

Global for Pokemon Go crazy! Recently all kinds of negative news about Pokemon Go, everyone is feeling the game brings joy to the person at the same time, too crazy lead to tragedy. But about Pokemon Go news is not all is negative, the recent have Pokemon Go for game players and the message of salvation. Pokemon Go game interface transfer...