新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女子银行卡少近3万元:11岁儿子玩网游惹的祸


Women's bank card nearly 30000 yuan less: 11 year old son play online games

2017-05-24 00:00:00来源: 人民网

□记者谷武民李萌萌 通讯员郭文丽 文/图 核心提示|智能手机、网络游戏的强强联合,日渐深入小学生的生活,而网络游戏监管的空白,让众多家长受到经济损失的同时束手无策。近日,家住鹤壁市的张女士向大河报记者反映,她还在念小学三年级的孩子小哲(化名)因为玩手游将自己银行卡里的钱刷了近3万元,生活并不宽裕的张女士整日以泪洗面,不知道该怎么办。 张女士手机显示的消费记录 遭遇 银行卡近3万元“消失”竟是儿子网游惹祸 近日,鹤壁的张女士因用钱去银行取款,发现卡里3万元存款只剩下2023元,“我最近没有买过什么东西,是不是银行卡密码被盗了?”张女士赶紧报了警。 “这可是我丈夫在外地辛苦工作给...

- reporters GuWuMin li mengmeng The correspondent wen-li guo wen/figure summary | combination of smart phones, online games, gradual deepening elementary student's life, and network game regulation of blank, let many parents by the economic loss of stranded at the same time. Recently, ms zhang in hebi city to the river to this reporter, she is still in primary school grade three of the children small zhe (a pseudonym) because play mobile game will brush their own bank card money nearly 30000 yuan, life is not bounteous ms zhang in tears all day long, don't know what to do. Ms zhang record in bank card consumption nearly 30000 yuan of mobile phone display "disappear" turns out to be an online trouble son Recently, hebi ms zhang for money go to a bank withdrawals, only 2023 yuan, 30000 yuan deposits found card "I haven't bought anything recently, bank card password stolen?" Ms zhang hurriedly called the police. "It was my husband hard work in the field for the...

标签: 网游