新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏VR化软件Vireio将支持Vive体验《辐射4》


Game Vireio VR software will support Vive experience "radiation 4"

2016-05-05 02:27:06来源: 17173

文/恩泽 自打我痴迷VR科技开始,可以毫不客气的说,我无时无刻都在玩除了VR以外的第一人称游戏。我一直都很渴望戴上头盔,一探其究竟的感觉。头盔里头的VR世界越是丰富美丽,越是栩栩如生,就越能勾起我的欲望。这次我们要推荐的就是由《上古卷轴》系列的开发商Bethesda工作室旗下的第一人...

Wen/grace since I started with VR technology, can not polite to say, I play all the time except VR first-person game. I have been very eager to wear a helmet, to find out what feeling. Rich helmet of VR in the world, the more beautiful, more vivid, more can hook up my desire. This time we will recommend is by the elder scrolls series of developers Bethesda studio's first person...

标签: 游戏 VR