新关注 > 信息聚合 > 终于!爱斗地主的人也有专属节日了!


Finally! We also have a love fight the landlord exclusive holiday!

2016-11-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

  爱购物的人有双十一购物狂欢节,爱跑步的人有各种马拉松节......爱斗地主的人,爱玩棋牌的人有没有自己的专属节日呢?有!   2016年12月6日,JJ比赛为广大棋牌爱好者倾力打造了专属狂欢节——“12·6 JJ斗地主节”。这就意味着,以后每年的12月6日都将成为棋牌爱好者的狂欢节!   狂欢节意味着什么?意味着12·6玩JJ斗地主能获得更多。   更多的比赛——11.25-12.6期间,你可以在JJ比赛PC端和移动端畅享数千场精彩刺激的比赛;   更多的快乐——这一天会有4亿棋牌爱好者与你同场竞技,分享更多快乐;   更多的奖品——你有机会在JJ斗地主免费畅赢价值不菲的奖...

Who love shopping have double tenth a carnival shopping, love various marathon runners have festival... Who love fight the landlord, who love playing board have their own exclusive holiday? There are! On December 6, 2016, JJ game for the chess enthusiasts pour the exclusive carnival - "12 · 6 JJ doudizhu festival". This means that after each year on December 6, will become a chess enthusiasts carnival! Carnival means? Means 12 · 6 playing JJ fight the landlord can get more. More games - 11.25-12.6, you can be in PC and mobile terminal for unlimited JJ thousands of exciting game; More happy - this is the day there will be 400 million chess enthusiasts compete with you, share more happiness; More prizes - you have a chance to win in JJ doudizhu free chang valuable prize...