新关注 > 信息聚合 > WCA2015中国区总决赛光荣使命 龙焱特种大队&雷电..

WCA2015中国区总决赛光荣使命 龙焱特种大队&雷电..

WCA2015 finals in China glorious dragon mission Yan special brigade & lightning..

2015-10-25 10:36:14来源: 新浪

WCA2015全球公开赛中国赛区总决赛在北京正式打响,来自五湖四海的八支 《光荣使命OL》顶尖战队汇聚一堂,赛场上硝烟弥漫,杀声四起,究竟谁能独执牛耳,登上紫禁之巅呢? 本次《光荣使命OL》小组赛采用BO3循环赛制。经过一天的鏖战,龙焱特种大队、蓝剑突击队、天鹰突击队以及雷电竞技从小...

WCA2015 global open China Conference finals in Beijing officially started, from all corners of the country of eight "glorious mission ol" the top teams gathered, the smoke on the court, kill the sound of four, who can really only powerbroker board on top of the forbidden? The "glorious mission" OL group stage by BO3 circulation system. After a day of fierce battle, Longyan special brigade, blue sword commando, Eagle commando and lightning from sports...