新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传奇世界贺元宵!暗炎双头魔龙副本玩法曝光


The legend of the world celebrates lantern! Double dark inflammation evil spirit dragon copy gameplay exposure

2015-03-05 10:10:29来源: 17173

刷副本,抢神装,贺元宵!新年元宵来临之际,盛大旗下经典PK网游《传奇世界》新副本上线贺元宵,神秘BOSS暗炎双头魔龙霸气登场,为广大传世勇士们带来全新挑战和给力装备! 全新玩法副本贺元宵,风骚走位很必要 传世勇士对新的挑战总是充满期待,元宵佳节之际,《传奇世界》特别为大家准备了一...

brush copy, rob God installed, he lantern! New Year Lantern approaching, grand's classic PK Games "world of legend" new copy on-line he lantern, the mysterious BOSS dark inflammatory double magic dragon domineering stage, bring new challenges and awesome equipment for the general handed warriors! A new play copy he lantern, coquettish go very necessary handed down the warriors of the new challenges are always full of expectations, the Lantern Festival, "Legends of the world" special for everyone to prepare a...