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又一款Apple Watch游戏 《手表任务》本月上架

A Apple Watch game "task" watch this month on

2015-04-16 18:36:14来源: 新浪

随着Apple Watch发售日期的临近,这一平台受到了越来越多游戏开发者与开发商的关注。本周,在《符文之刃》与《呆萌小怪物》两款游戏宣布登陆Apple Watch后,又一款RPG游戏《手表任务》(Watch Quest)表示将在Apple Watch发售当日登陆这一平台。 《手表任...

with Apple Watch release date draws near, the platform has attracted more and more attention to game developers and game developers. This week, in the "edge" and "Rune stay adorable little monster" two games announced the landing Apple Watch, and a RPG game "watch" (Watch Quest) said that the task will be at the landing platform in Apple Watch. "Watch any...

标签: APP 游戏