新关注 > 信息聚合 > 臻游携手脸书巨头6waves 开辟弹珠手游蓝海

臻游携手脸书巨头6waves 开辟弹珠手游蓝海

Zhen swim hand in hand face book giant 6waves to open up the biggest problem facing Mobile Games blue marbles core

2015-03-30 15:19:13来源: 178游戏网


present mobile phone game is innovation, Mobile Games development process from quantitative change to qualitative change, if still blindly rely on copying, then update frequency fast now in Mobile Games industry, the final result only wait for the exit. Mobile Games has great market should develop, but the game player needs to taste is rising, the quality of the game and innovation is the key, Mobile Games threshold will be increased, the quality of the products will be the future Mobile Games...

标签: 手游